Data & Research

Since 1987 IAHSE has been instrumental in addressing issues affecting Latinos in State employment and community services. Many diversity initiatives have been developed to address the operational needs of state agencies in efforts to increase Latino participation in all levels of state government.

In 1992 The State Employment Records Act is one of the first bills IAHSE advocated for requiring all state agencies and state universities to file an annual report on the number of minorities employed by the state institutions.

Although there has been many advocacy efforts on behalf of IAHSE there is still a lack of Latino representation in state employment. Since other minority ethnic groups also have very low representation IAHSE is developing other strategies to include other groups to have the same opportunities as everyone else.

There are various reports and data that provide information on the different approaches taken to increase Latino employment and how state agencies perform. Other reports available regarding salary, bilingual pay needs and allocating appropriate resources.

The Hispanic Employment Plans is developed to provide increased access to state government for Hispanic, Latino, and Bilingual /Spanish employees. It is also used as a tool to measure the progress in improving diversity & Latino representation within the states workforce.

State Employment Records Act

Hispanic State Employment Plans

Bilingual Pay Reports

2020 Representation of Hispanic State Employees per agency